Sunday, March 29, 2009

No Way! Not Again!

gave us 3 "important" exercise....
saying the questions is similar to the ones we're gonna answer during finals....
i did all three...
and added a few other related exercises.....
and when i received my finals paper 2day...
i was shocked....
WHAT THE F***????
and from wat i can see from afar....
so was all the other students.....
the questions isnt at all close to the questions we torture ourselves to answer....
far from it!!!!....
there was even 40% worth of information dat she didnt even mention or "teach" in class....

our carry mark??
she decides to not show us....
no quiz!
no assignments!
how the hell are we gonna stock up our finals marks???

the rumours abt the college trying to FAIL most students this semester seemed so true at this moment....
i am so pissed off right now!!!
and so is every one else!....
final semester!!!
final semester!!!
u want us to stay at that kolej another semester???

1 comment:

sharifah salmah Alshatri said...

gle kejammmm lecturer tu!! false hope...